“We strive for sustainable, nature-based solutions to reduce flooding, enhance biodiversity and create beautiful spaces."

Katherine Teakle, Director Katherine Colby Hydrologists Limited


Flood Risk Assessments

We have extensive experience in producing Flood Risk Assessments for a range of purposes and to meet a variety of project briefs.

Nature-Based Solutions

We deliver Nature-Based Solutions such as natural flood management, SuDS, river restoration, wetland restoration and creation.

Sequential and Exception Tests


We undertake Sequential and Exception tests in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework.

Flood Evacuation and Management Plans

Flood Evacuation and Management Plans provide tailored advice for property owners, both private and commercial.

Surface Water Management Reports and Plans

We have extensive experience in producing Surface Water Management Reports and Plans, sometimes referred to as Drainage reports.

Project showcase

Some of the organisations we have worked with