About Me
I work with trusted partners to deliver outstanding projects. Get in contact to discuss yours.
Who I Am
Katherine Teakle is an expert hydrologist with over sixteen years’ experience working on a variety of projects in the field of flooding and restoration of fluvial landscapes. She has a B.Sc. in Earth Sciences from Plymouth University and a M.Sc. in River Environmental Sciences from University of Birmingham.
My Career
Katherine began her career working for large multi-disciplinary consultancies delivering a range of projects including large-scale river modelling for strategic planning and flood risk assessments for new developments. She went on to work for a small consultancy, often working in historic landscapes. She has extensive experience of working on site, validating data, assessing flood risk, and considering options for restoration and flood management.
Katherine Colby Hydrologists Ltd, the consultancy she founded in 2010, works with Local Authorities, Community Flood Action groups, environmental charities, large landowners, architects and private developers. Katherine is also Director of Uluguru Ltd whose mission is to share hydrological expertise to empower project leaders to develop successful, nature-based solutions that reduce flood risk, enhance biodiversity and create beautiful environments for the community.